Loved it alot. Had alot of elements I love in the story. WIsh I had a tablet ^_^ soon to get... Maybe then I can actualy use my drawing skills... >>;; Check out my animation to see WHY I hate mice. The plastic... clicky things.
Smooth animation in almost everything. but only one thing.
Study your proportions a bit more. You can draw, let's not forget that. But in parts I saw that your arms were too short, or your bodies were not drawn, just the clothing. (example is the robes. I know it's a pain, but you have to at least outline the legs to figure out how tall you need to make your character in proportion to the head.) Now, I am NOT saying at ALL you cannot draw by hand ( pencil and paper ) But I thought I'd give you teh tip.
Lots of luck, and looking forawrd to your next work,