Well, I'm working on getting a proper job (lol, meltingpot ) , then a driver's license (Yeah, I got a late start, fucking sue me) and from there on, I'll probably be starting up some sort of vlog series. Who knows, maybe you guys will like what I have to say, some may not.
Here's some ideas for the show substance;
1. Kooky news stories
2. Common sense advice
3. Rants
4. My interesting non-interesting life
Anything else will be on-the-fly.
But I have adobe premier elements, so there should be SOME kind of formal editing process. I also have like; 3 cameras available... So the show won't all be from a webcam or some such nonsense.
My views are extremely Liberal, so people who lean more to the right wing won't exactly enjoy what I have to say... Sorry folks. :D
Other things going on right now; Auracore music labs 4! - Must be dreaming.
Some of us are working
Some of us are slacking
Most of us are panicking,
the rest... Well there's Ngawang.
If people are really interested in what's going on with Aura core, we DO have a website.
Then click features, and forum
Most of what you see is us goofing off with pictures. But we'd love if some new people came there, and contributed something of value.
We're currently not taking on any new members, because our vision for Auracore does not extend past the main group. Its a dynamic that takes work and trust, and many stupid skype conferences.
Anyways. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, or whatever, but I'm.. sorta working? I dunno!
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(btw pic below is a storyline I'm developing. Maybe a music video tribute is in store? )