I don't take anyone who's angry or trying to troll me very seriously. All you get in return for that shit is more trolling. By me :3

Pheorach @Gate-keeper-girl

Age 33, Female

Flash animatior, etc


San Antonio, TX

Joined on 4/29/05

Exp Points:
5,210 / 5,380
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6.39 votes
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What I'm up to.

Posted by Gate-keeper-girl - April 28th, 2009

Well, I'm working on getting a proper job (lol, meltingpot ) , then a driver's license (Yeah, I got a late start, fucking sue me) and from there on, I'll probably be starting up some sort of vlog series. Who knows, maybe you guys will like what I have to say, some may not.

Here's some ideas for the show substance;

1. Kooky news stories
2. Common sense advice
3. Rants
4. My interesting non-interesting life

Anything else will be on-the-fly.
But I have adobe premier elements, so there should be SOME kind of formal editing process. I also have like; 3 cameras available... So the show won't all be from a webcam or some such nonsense.

My views are extremely Liberal, so people who lean more to the right wing won't exactly enjoy what I have to say... Sorry folks. :D

Other things going on right now; Auracore music labs 4! - Must be dreaming.

Some of us are working
Some of us are slacking
Most of us are panicking,
the rest... Well there's Ngawang.

If people are really interested in what's going on with Aura core, we DO have a website.

Then click features, and forum

Most of what you see is us goofing off with pictures. But we'd love if some new people came there, and contributed something of value.
We're currently not taking on any new members, because our vision for Auracore does not extend past the main group. Its a dynamic that takes work and trust, and many stupid skype conferences.

Anyways. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, or whatever, but I'm.. sorta working? I dunno!


/* */
(btw pic below is a storyline I'm developing. Maybe a music video tribute is in store? )

What I'm up to.


Well good luck on ur next animation and hope u can fit more time into it =) looking forward to your next animation.


it looks like it's consuming a ladybug

"the rest... Well there's Ngawang."

totally missed that somehow
I'm always none of the above


why do i love you so much? >< aaggh

Ask google.

I don't need Google to tell me why GkG is so amazin'. It's cause your hilarious, cute, aaand the the first girl I ever actually was in love with just recently broke my heart and is going out with one of my former best friends. You may not know it but your helping me through mass depression! Oh yeah and I'm kinda rambling now but my parents are getting divorced too. And i just got suspended from school for 3 weeks for lighting a fire in the men's locker room at my school... And all of this happened within the last month or so. :( I thank you for the smiles/laughs you've given me in this depressing time in my life. Dragonball, my guitar, and you/NG have helped me a lot. That probably sounds really pathetic but i needed to tell someone, and figured "Hey, why not that irrational internet crush"



<a href="http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/020509/76039_catepillaruuuuuuuuuu.jpg">http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/02050 9/76039_catepillaruuuuuuuuuu.jpg</a>

Sorry about that stuff...a few questions,

is your vlog thing gonna be flash or actually you?
is it gonna be on newgrounds or like youtube?
and idk if you'd tell me but what song is goin along with your new project?

1. Just me
2. Youtube, and posted on my newspost
3. Muse- Shrinking universe (Not the live version, augh)

Sounds pretty awesome. I'm looking forward to it. The song sounds great, it has a really intense feeling to it. And the art in that pic looks great btw

^ _^ that song is so amazing. It really shows how intense their relationship is, because it's forbidden, then how she betrays him to gain power.

Thanks for the compliments on the art, lemme PM you with the finished version

I don't need Google to tell me why GkG is so amazin'. It's cause your hilarious, cute, aaand the the first girl I ever actually was in love with just recently broke my heart and is going out with one of my former best friends. You may not know it but your helping me through mass depression! Oh yeah and I'm kinda rambling now but my parents are getting divorced too. And i just got suspended from school for 3 weeks for lighting a fire in the men's locker room at my school... And all of this happened within the last month or so. :( I thank you for the smiles/laughs you've given me in this depressing time in my life. Dragonball, my guitar, and you/NG have helped me a lot. That probably sounds really pathetic but i needed to tell someone, and figured "Hey, why not that irrational internet crush"

- ROFL, dude are you a fucking serial killer or something?

I thought your screen name looked familiar from your review, and then realized that this is not the first time you have decided to leave nasty comments directed at me via Newgrounds.

Seriously? I have never talked to you. I don't even know who the hell you are, so I have no idea why you seem to have some sort of negative obsession with me. You don't like my purposefully dumb jokes/voice acting/whatever else you have criticized? Fine. Don't watch anything I'm involved in. It's really not that hard.

You say yourself in your profile that you are "not a nice person"---why is that something you're proud of?

I've left several nasty reviews for several people, don't think you're special or something.

You honestly have no power over what I watch, and what I don't watch, so you're gonna have to handle it in one way or another.

Lol, I'm just letting people know that I'm not a nice person, I'm just being honest. There's people I get along with, and people I don't. It's not something I'm PROUD of, but people shouldn't assume I'm nice because I'm a girl.

Its great you have talent in voice acting, and I respect that much, but let's face it; your writing is horrendous.

Sniff sniff I smelt some e-dramas in here.

You've got that right, rubber

BAM! Look at that bacon sizzle!