I don't take anyone who's angry or trying to troll me very seriously. All you get in return for that shit is more trolling. By me :3

Pheorach @Gate-keeper-girl

Age 33, Female

Flash animatior, etc


San Antonio, TX

Joined on 4/29/05

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For all the retards out there.

Posted by Gate-keeper-girl - March 28th, 2009

Typing with acronyms and improper grammar may seem like an easy way to communicate on the internet.
But the over-use of it has really started to irk me.

The general excuse?




All usually typed with an utter lack of punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Those who stand up against this tyranny against the English language are all hassled, criticized and labeled "Grammar/Spelling Nazis"
I love being called that.

What these lemmings do not understand, is how much disrespect I, and others interpret when communicating with such individuals who can't give enough of a shit to spell-check, and read over what they wish to convey.
Do you honestly think you can submit a resume that appears to have been written by an eight year old who has missed their dosage of Ritalin for the past week?

When you type out something into the broad vastness of the internet, you are judged by your ability to write in the language you wish to communicate in. I don't mind typos (Different than spelling errors) they happen to everyone.
But the sheer lack of respect the youth seems to give their language is appalling.

"but ur jst being mean nd we can type ne way we wnt 2 cuz its the internt"


The same goes for "ghetto" typing. Please stop. Nobody needs to know how ignorant you are.

In conclusion.
If you want to be taken seriously, start typing with words that are in the dictionary. Not internet speak.

For all the retards out there.


Language is usually derive to a particular culture.

But as long as communication is clear between individuals, how it is written is always subjective.

Take my culture for example.

Hawaii is a melting pot of over 25 different cultures all living together.

As history goes about from the first discover of Hawaii, Missionaries, WWII, Immigrations, etc. There was once camps of only certain races living together. But then intermarriage, and soon, different languages from different cultures formed together.

A form of language known as "Pigin-English" was born..
(Using a combination of English, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, etc)

The point I'm trying to make is that saying what is "proper" writing or "proper" language is something subjective per individual and should not be regarded higher than one another.

"Pigin" is considered "Getto" to our Hawaiian Culture by some politicians and english teachers. But it is historically developed and is structured and has it's own set of grammar too.

Language is Subjective and should not be held higher against each other.

Read this Wiki Article
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_Pidgin">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian _Pidgin</a>

Good point.

But if you're trying to speak English to other English speakers, then you should follow the rules of that language. Same as Pigin.

Chatspeak has no accepted structure. Its all about trying to speak in an absurd mixture of abbreviations and acronyms with a deeply flawed sense of grammar and sentence composition.

Well i hate to admit it, but i used to type just like that. I used to use numbers and letters in the same word...shame on me. But now thanks to the grammar nazi's of NewGrounds, I have actually gotten better at typing. And this has actually helped me in school since I usually don't write correctly and spell correctly.

I'm glad to hear of your success :3

Gah. I know what you mean. :/ Chat speak irks me so much, and as much as I hate to admit it, I used to be exactly like that. Until I hit fifth grade and someone, not even the teacher caught the mistakes I had made, pointed out that I had used "U" and "no" (rather than "know") in a poem I had written. Soon after, I made literate friends, which pretty much forced me into typing properly. And now, I'm very anal with my typing. Every sentence must be capitalized and end in some sort of punctuation. (Although, I still type some words phonetically.) But with the new, younger generation it's astonishing hoe much they seem to not cherish the English language so much as to even type properly. (I mean, which English becoming so disgustingly globalized.) How ungrateful some kids can be. It really is not hard to even try. :/

haha, same here man.

Gah. xD *how. :D;

Oh no, you totally meant hoe.

You dirty, dirty person.

I love your opinions and you are my hero :) ... if only there was a way to stop people from talking like that..


ye ppl ned 2 rite moar prop



Chatspeak has no accepted structure...yet.
Neither did Pigin English as it was first starting out.
They even wanted to try to abolish it.
But linguistics and anthropologists both agree that it is considered a form of cultural genocide.

Who knows...since everyone is chatting online. Maybe in a few decades or so Chatspeak will have it's own set of grammar, structure, and guidelines.

But since language is constantly evolving (even Pigin English) as long as we "try" to understand each other, "clarify" miss interpretations, and "no get all huffy li-dat" we can learn to "bear-with-each-other" when things get ....


Cuz....I know those random writers. They just being Lo-Lo (stupid).

Well, if it becomes a language then they better be bilingual, because if they're going to try to talk to me, it better damn well be in English.

The loss of the writing-ability is one thing Aldous Huxley hasn't predicted.
In the future, they'll chase us as pestiferous.

Love your posts.

Oh damn. Now it's in the news. I agree though, people who type like that have a tendency to just be absolutely annoying and they never make any sense. And it's in a way embarrassing that most of this country actually writes like that. It would be nice if there was an auto-spell check that translated Internet Speak into English. But God knows, that will never happen. You should start a campaign against Internet Speak :D the world would be a better, not to mention smarter place without such a "language".

I'm an English tutor at my school.

I gotta say, while your correct about the effect "internet speak" has on our writing abilities, its hardly the leading cause.

Whenever I am with someone whose essay is particularly atrocious, I always ask them the same thing; "How many books would you say you read in one month?"

What I have come to notice is a steady decline in how many books people leisurely read at their homes. Unfortunately for them, reading books is crucially important in developing ones literary abilities. (Its done wonders for me :P)

[ I can't say I can back you up one abandoning the numerous "smilies" though...I have rather become fond of them :) ]

I'm probably a tad late in joining this discussion, but I got to agree in most things that've been said here.

Though, I wouldn't set focus on lack of learningdisabilities as it got mentioned. Each individual has its own problems, which each respectful adult should take in consideration.

What I would set focus on, is the educationsystems and communities out there that have their duty to bring up the next generation of douchebags, scientists, doctors and teachers. - In all fairness, I'm frightened.

No wonder people speculate if we've reached the peak of human's intelligence. I believe it can only go downhill from here. The world will be overpopulated with stupid people - you apparantly, like to refer to them as retards.

Ohh, and Hansari... I think I recall you said you are an English tutor. Hmmm... Yes, yes you did.

"...while your correct about..."

I mean... Really?

I almost have to restrain myself from not resorting to violence. Like shoving a dictionary down a certain someone's neck.

Ohh, and before I wrap things up. Gate-Keeper, if you're checking this out, I catched your drift through a newspost that seemed interesting enough to read through. I'm wondering, do you have a blog of some sort, except Newgrounds? I would be interested in checking out some more of your opinion of things, and possibly confronting them.

That would be all. Cheers up :)