I don't take anyone who's angry or trying to troll me very seriously. All you get in return for that shit is more trolling. By me :3

Pheorach @Gate-keeper-girl

Age 33, Female

Flash animatior, etc


San Antonio, TX

Joined on 4/29/05

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men fall alot

At least, girl, you have your own mind :)
You're cute though :3

i clicked one by accident.


Basicly, its a matter of your focus. Basicly, leave ads on and ignore them, pay attention to what your watching/playing, then get over it. Its rather simple :O

PS, the shirts are actually quite good, i have a blockhead one, i'z nice!
PPS, thats a damn fine gryphon right thar!
PPPS, also damn fine candy pole!

Newgrounds isn't really "The Man" in this situation. I know it seems like it, because they're seemingly fat-catting it up while eager artists fight with broken sporks to claw a place for themselves. It's just a liiittle different than that.

Okay, so, way back in the day, NG was made as a website to showcase the works of Tom Fulp. Tom ended up becoming a pretty popular guy due to the fact that his flash games and movies were somewhat... controversial... at the time. Other artists wanted a piece of the fame pie, and started submitting things to Tom to put on to his site. Thus, a primitive flash portal came into play.

To this day, this website stands as a way for artists to get noticed. It's becoming so that it's one of the best ways. So many people see Newgrounds that if you're to get on Front Page, it's well over a million viewers. That's more than some primetime TV shows.

Now back to the advertising. The easiest way for a small website to stay afloat is the cheesy pop-ups/unders, as well as banners and whatnot. This all started just as a way to fund Tom's animating, but to keep growing the site. He's always put his profits back into the company to better it, which is always, as an end result, to better the authors and viewers.

Now, think roughly how flipping rich Mr. Fulp would be if he just profit whored all his income from advertisements right now. He would probably own a small island somewhere, fucking Pamela Anderson's clone while eating gold-plated lobster. Instead, we've got things such as advertisement profit sharing, so every can have a piece of the pie; well over a million hits per day; and pretty much all the free publicity, and money if you're good enough, you can handle.

In a nutshell, NG is a free place for promising art that would otherwise go unseen by a large audience because people just don't go to unknown artists's websites anymore. You can get instant gratification, approval, and criticism, and win a prize or two. Then you start over and over again.

Now, I agree with where you're going. It IS the artists and viewers who made this site what it is today, and okay, yeah, maybe they're entitled to a bigger portion of the pie. But if every schmuck lined up outside the NG office for their 12 cents for doing nothing but watching hentai on Mature NG, then the artists and viewers that do actually contribute and give a crap about the circle get a much smaller piece.

It's all competitive, really. But we're humans. That's our inner nature.

Er.. sorry for the long post... I had to get that off my back.. >_>

I'll read this one later, and tell you what I think.

I Wonder are so many people just reading through your stuff cuz your a girl? ah nevermind i dont care anyway.
But since everbody comes up with his/her own opinion i want 2 post aswell just to ill the quote...
I agree at some points with you , nowadays ads/banners are like the most usually thing you see and im tired of them most of the time i actually dont really notice them coz for my special sense of "ignore" but sometimes it happens that i click one of them on accident which actually fucks me up...for some reason...neverlöess i also see why ads are needed but those reason are ...well my line would be " I dont care and now GTFO stupid ads"...Hope you get my point (bad english caused from beeing german!)

German or not, you got your point across.

i agree completely with you, tom is a dumb ass...

do not worry! :3
you can activate the classic layout and addblock works fine ^^ at least on the movie and games :p
audio is still fucked on my comp tho

You insulted the all holy tom, you will die of cancer in your left thumb for this.

pfft, I have anti-cancer benefits from talking to Rtil all the time.

Timon: Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself. {to Simba} It's "You got to put your ego behind you." Look, kid. Ads happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?
Simba: Right.
Timon: {Pokes Simba's nose} Wrong! When the Newgrounds turns its back on you, you turn your back on Newgrounds.
Simba: Well, that's not what Tom taught.
Timon: Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me. {Clears throat}Thank you, and fuck off, Tom.
Simba: {Still lethargic} What?
Pumbaa: Th-ank-you-and-fu-ck-off-Tom. It means "I'm a Cunt."

You win.

That bird has a huge stick.


What's wrong with supporting NG and an artist by buying a shirt?

You say that you want to be sure of funds being given to the artist, but the fact that his or her shirt is in the shop is a sign of that being true. NG and the artist must've come to some agreement about payment. Wether I agree with the details of such an agreement does not matter, because the artist has agreed and it's his money.

Besides, the shirt are very comfortable, that works for me ;)

I just lost the game. I hate you, Gate-keeper! DX Nyah!

Fuck it.

don`t mind guys, this girl is somewho, who they calling 'not as everybody bitches'

You just said three sentences in one sentence. HOW DO YOU DO THAT.

You are the second Rachel I've met in my life, and both are amazingly insane.

I like you already.



I love you.

No really, I love you. You don't understand... I want to marry you. Seriously, you are my soulmate.

How do you know man, I mean HOW DO YOU KNOW!

took me like five seconds to add them to privoxy's blocklist


nah, you don't really NEED shirts. or cloths. If you live in a warm enough climate you could survive naked. But being naked is not socially accepted here in the US, but you could move to a nudist colony. Now those people, know how to live. Also, you should lighten up and be nicer, you will live longer.

But I agree with you that the shirts are expensive and I too would rather make my own shirts, but there are people with expendable income that do not have drawing abilities and would like to show the people around them the funny shirts they can afford. But that's for them. But for you and me, a $4 dollor white shirt is our canvas and sharpies and a bedazzler are our paint.

Dragamex, has some great points that I agree with.

Ehh, niceness is overrated.

Im really quite nice in real life. I just have a low tolerance for bullshit on the internet I guess. Cus I can get away with complaining about it... > _>

White shirts are the bomb.

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