I don't take anyone who's angry or trying to troll me very seriously. All you get in return for that shit is more trolling. By me :3

Pheorach @Gate-keeper-girl

Age 33, Female

Flash animatior, etc


San Antonio, TX

Joined on 4/29/05

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More trolling goodness.

Posted by Gate-keeper-girl - November 14th, 2009

At 11/14/09 2:55 PM, Sasoripunk wrote:
: Oh wow you have talent? really? cause from what i just watched, your "talent" must just be sucking your gay lover. Your video just sucked so get over it. Plus a random misspelling doesn't mean I'm a second grader. So you and your fucking GAY DEMON FILM can do fucking kill yourself.
: No love,
: A better person than you.
: P.S. you have the world comebacks I've ever heard so please just stop wasting my time. Your video was just bad. If you try to make a better one "which since its you, I'm pretty sure you wont" I might like it. But this one video was totally gay and demonic.
: P.P.S Jesus loves everyone. Even homo fuckers like you.

MY RESPONSE. That is, if the little guy didn't pussy out and block me...
Go troll him. HARD.


Do you honestly take yourself seriously when you say that shit? Because to me its just plain fucking hilarious. A better person than me? Aww. No I beg to differ.

Adding P.S.s on top of a P.S isn't as cool as it used to be.

Can't you just start up a new paragraph?
I still can't believe you don't love me. But for every douche imbibing Jesus fucking knuckleheaded sink clog like you, there are 10 people who would honestly beg to differ.

In all seriousness.

You can dislike my flash, but you don't exactly have to leave messages stating so. If you don't like my opinion of your opinion, so be it. Have the maturity to go to another flash and leave mine alone if you hate it that much.
But you don't.
Because you love the attention I give you when I insult you back.

If you think I an genuinely angry at you, you think too highly of yourself.
I've been animating since i was 12 years old. I have gotten every insult in the book thrown at me and my work, but you know what? I got over the petty words and meaningless arguments.
Its so strange to see people who are so obsessed with things they hate, because it only brings them more and more hatred.

You're way into Jesus, right?

Well then be Christlike. (Don't tell me you don't have to be. Because that's just lying to yourself)
Christianity is an institution man.

Don't you know its all contrived from older (And frankly, double plus cool) religions and beliefs?
That's right. Jesus is just copy + paste from other messiahs. Natural pattern is natural.


If you CHOOSE to continue this battle of words, I would be MORE than happy to oblige you and your masochistic fantasies. Seeing people worked up over little shit like this gives me the chuckles.

Next time, save yourself some embarrassment and just stop messaging. I'm going to keep putting these on my newspost. It's not a private conversation anymore.

Delightful hugs and cherished melodies!

(Empress of the cool face)


what made Sasoripunk decide on all tha h8?

I think my flash made him sexually uncomfortable.

h8rz g0na h8

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

I'm sure everyone cares about the little quarrel you're having.

Yes. Exactly.

There's a difference beetween trolling and telling the truth you stupid bitch.

Ooo, kitty got clawwsss. Rawrr

People having an argument on the internet? Alert the media.



I cant even tell whos trolling who

Trolls thrive on attention. They die without it. So how do you kill a troll? By ignoring him.

Obvious statement is obvious.


But I can imagine it can be summarized in: Bawwwwwwwwwwww

Please, are you seriously gonna let THIS review annoy you?

"it was just soem guy gonna get raped by this other guy but it turns out to be a guy sex doll (because u don't see any breast on the doll or the "human guy on top" good art tho"

Pleeaaaaaseeee, pfft

Lmao, it doesn't ANNOY me.

I just like trolling back.

Then HE messaged me insulting my work, and all I could do was laugh at him and type up some sick shit to see how he reacted.

I just checked his review. Man, your response is fucking hilarious.

You made my day.

:> Have I ever told you you're one of my favorite musicians?

Rule of thumb: Having a hissy fit over negative comments you receive isn't trolling.

You can't exactly tell a tone of voice over the internet, but I'm not angry.

I am amuzzled.

Troll Wars never tell us who is right. It only tells us who remains posting.

I would edit this blog if I were you; prevent future trollers and hoodlums. The best you can do is never comment on the PM; it speaks for itself. The Post would read:

Check this out!

At 11/14/09 2:55 PM, Sasoripunk wrote:
: Oh wow you have talent? really? cause from what i just watched, your "talent" must just be sucking your gay lover. Your video just sucked so get over it. Plus a random misspelling doesn't mean I'm a second grader. So you and your fucking GAY DEMON FILM can do fucking kill yourself.
: No love,
: A better person than you.
: P.S. you have the world comebacks I've ever heard so please just stop wasting my time. Your video was just bad. If you try to make a better one "which since its you, I'm pretty sure you wont" I might like it. But this one video was totally gay and demonic.
: P.P.S Jesus loves everyone. Even homo fuckers like you.

MY RESPONSE (that is, if the pussy didn't block me): Troll him HARD!
End Post.

Bingo. Simple, neat very little down-side.

Never bother to comment on the author's foibles, lest something you say will just instigate a flame war. When they cite Jesus in hate mail, it irritates Him to no end; claiming you are Christian in such context is like using the word "Tasty" in reference to music! That bugs Him even more, I should add (if it bugs me, I assume He has the same problem).

Also, leaving such negative messages in your mailbox is never good. They can do this but they certainly should not! It's like writing a hateful review and never getting banned because it goes straight to the author. For such a miserable headache, trolling is the last thing I would prescribe. Report it to admin instead.

Also--and this applies to every conversation--never, ever insult someone's religion, especially if they do not follow its precepts properly! All faiths are equal in God's eyes. Not every follower is equal unless we assume everyone follows their faiths' commandments and precepts exactly (and naturally, this is never the case). Just as well, you can't drive nails into someone's faith and pretend you didn't insult them. Might as well just seal your own coffin. And it's not a matter of tact; there's a thing called "Big Brother and the Thought Police".

When George Orwell wrote 1984, it predicted the advent of a totalitarian state that manipulates the minds of the population. But it happens everywhere in reality, beyond the political world; those in power will change the context of language to affect the attitudes of others. In other words, if you badmouth someone's religion just because it has one more bad follower, said bad follower will use your post against you. That comment about Christianity copy+pasting from other religions will only get you into a flame war with people that neither of us should ever entertain or care about: the debaters of religion and political theory. And I hope you understand my (implied) reason behind avoiding those people.

And yet, you invite the little jerk back. Seriously... are you mental? From out of the blue, someone approached me about his secret resistance group that apparently omits Catholics because of some bullshit about Satan already taking them over. I severed future correspondence--no patience for doomsday cults, sorry--and regret nothing for it. Inviting the jerk to write again would siphon my emotional energy--strained enough as it is--until I started looking for his address, flying to whatever country he is from, and shooting him repeatedly. Why you would want to feel like that all the time, I have no clue. They prescribed selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors to me when I got bad. And don't say otherwise, either. You have better things to do, like authoring flashes that pick on autosexuals.

On the other hand, it is still an effective tactic to post a sour private correspondence into public view. Only, don't comment on it yourself. Let others (like me) do that pony trick for you. By commenting on the PM--no matter how happy or irritated you are--you unintentionally redirect our attention upon you instead. Let the PM speak for itself. Note that this is my polite way of saying "shut up before something horrible happens".

One more thing: I watched that Flash of yours and chuckled heavily. That's no reason for anyone to with suicide upon you, assuming their hands would stay clean of sin. If this guy is spitting "Go Kill Yourself", he is as anti-Christian as they come. Report his malfeasance to Stamper immediately!

P.S. Scratch that, um... try Wade instead.


it sure is bad your internet beef has escalated to the level you have shown

I can sympathize about your situation

after I left a scathing review of the Frankie Foster Zone-Sama Flash a hoard of perverts trolled me for quite a while

but after the flash was BLAMMED they stopped trolling me (raises fist in victory)

I suppose there is no "right" way to approach these situations

I prefer the neutral route, or what I see as the neutral route

don't respond or acknowledge the hate, block the user and pretend they don't exist

PM your response

NEVER respond to inane negativity. Just ignore it.

man that guy sounds like a d-bag. and you're SO right! christianity was originally a sect of Judaism.


you are one angry bitch

e ve


I'm not so sure what he was so pissed about. It cant be the pervertedness.
Go read his favorite list and tell us some of the things you find... *hint hint*

Maybe he doesnt like being cockteased?

Thanks for the laugh!

I just laughed so hard at the "Jesus loves everyone" part. I think I might use that in my future trolling.

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