The Ashenge (10:40:42 PM): I opened my window and a breezed rolled in and I--
The Ashenge (10:40:47 PM): JIZZED. IN. MY PANTS. D:<
PheoRach (10:40:56 PM): so two months ago.
The Ashenge (10:41:02 PM): SO STILL HILARIOUS.
The Ashenge (10:41:10 PM): D: ...
PheoRach (10:41:13 PM): when people quote something constantly
PheoRach (10:41:16 PM): it becomes unfunny
PheoRach (10:41:28 PM): same rule applies for "Im on a boat"
The Ashenge (10:41:28 PM): You hang out with some messed up folks.
The Ashenge (10:41:48 PM): I'd only quote on a boat if I were...on a boat.
PheoRach (10:42:15 PM): if someone came up to you every day for three months and said "apple fritters" then laugh spontaneously at his own wit, you'd get tired of it sooner or later
The Ashenge (10:42:24 PM): o.o
The Ashenge (10:42:27 PM): Wtf is apple fritters?
PheoRach (10:42:30 PM): its the same fucking concept.
The Ashenge (10:43:29 PM): But.. What is apple fritters?
The Ashenge (10:43:35 PM): What's the thing with that?
PheoRach (10:44:00 PM):
q=apple+fritters&btnG=Search+Images&gb v=2&aq=f&oq=
PheoRach (10:44:13 PM): Have people fucking forgotten how to use google or something?
PheoRach (10:44:17 PM): I ask myself that every day.
PheoRach (10:44:23 PM): Apple. Fucking. Fritters.
The Ashenge (10:44:32 PM): But... This still doesn't answer my question... I'm looking at food.
The Ashenge (10:44:46 PM): Is there an inside joke?
PheoRach (10:44:52 PM): YOU ASKED WHAT ONE WAS
PheoRach (10:44:55 PM): THERE THEY ARE.
If you're gonna piss me off by quoting songs, be prepared to understand a god damned analogy.
O_o Is he gonna rape that cat?!?!?
And I love apple fritters =3