Hey folks.
Ever review/create a flash in which the reviews were either totally misspelled, pointless, or just plain embarrassing?
I'm looking for the worst reviews you have ever seen. Ever.
To be featured in a flash (coming out this month) addressing the falling standards of Newgrounds' reviews and reviewers
Take a screen shot (Printscreen , then paste into a program like MS paint)
Send to:
Email: Pheorach@ultralamb.com
AIM: Pheorach
YIM: GKGgirl
Or you could PM me.
Also, if you feel you know, or have seen a sub-par/ flamer/ strange inbred hillbilly experiment gone wrong and think I should feature them in the "Most retarded reviewer" section, then by all means; link me!
After the pilot flash, I SHOULD be coming out with a weekly/bi-weekly flash series with a top 10 list of most insanely bad reviews.
And while we're at it. Here's another screenshot from Genocide ;D
i hayt rubbish review that i get on my FLASH"!!
they say 0 stars but not give reeson!!!!1
Sometime i think " iz this being RASCIST 2 me?!?"
But i no they R jelous ov PPL like us!!!!
Alos, join my COLLAB!!!1 We will get AWARD and i will share!!!!!1 PROMISE!!!
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/915756">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 15756</a>
Oh lord, it's you.