Yeah well nothing stays the same which pretty much sucks .I graduate from shool in like 2 months then i've got to college and find a proper job and all the other shit that awaits me after that.
Well anyways if you feel like it's time to leave AuraCore well then i guess it's time to leave.Too bad i won't get to see any of your animations tho beacause they were really unique xD
Anyhow sorry for the typos (if there are any) oh and a Happy Valentines Day :p
ooor you can go buy a bottle of vodka and get drunk ^^.... whaat it's good for teh soul to do it from time to time XD
Awww that sucks! Now we won't get to see you contribute to them any more! Well it probably WAS gonna happen sooner or later. Well any ways, Happy Valentines Day! Looking forward to moar of your shit.