I don't take anyone who's angry or trying to troll me very seriously. All you get in return for that shit is more trolling. By me :3

Pheorach @Gate-keeper-girl

Age 33, Female

Flash animatior, etc


San Antonio, TX

Joined on 4/29/05

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dude that was really good! can I steal it? I'll finish the voice acting and I'll submit it, maybe I'll give you some credit.

You best be being sarcastic.

his cousin's soul = mother's soul... what?

So there are organ transplants....but wait, if he transplants her soul, won't it still be his cousin's soul?

Its the closest match. He killed his aunt before he was able to transfer her soul.
Zara's uncle is also teamed up with Kade, cus he was planning to kill the aunt anyway, cus he's a psychopath :D

And the soul thing works like a blood type.
Their theory is that a soul is what activated consciousness, and the brain is what stores memory / attitude etc etc. He planned to have her memory programmed into computer chips.

Yeah; the story is a little convoluted xD

You wouldn't mind if Kade had a gay accent, right?


No, really. Steal it and I'll come after you.

lol :D

hmmm if someone tried something like that to me i would be like well its guna get fucking ugly so i would get my uzi 9mm m16 ak-47 45 long slide with laser beam sighting rpg 50.cal 357 magnum pump shotgun hk 38 some claymore land mines and a mg-42 machine gun then hold the motherfucking place down

That's some hardcore shit there dog.

We should talk stock trading.

Ah, well that is a lot of information to process...

It's going to be difficult to figure out a way to subtly convey the story to the viewer, but I'm sure you will figure something out ;)


I canceled the series : \

that was really sweet! i cant wait to see the final product! i love ur style too...im trying to get my series off the ground but i keep gettin off track on side projects....o well....see ya in the portals! haha



waaaat? why?

> _< You obviously havent been visiting my page recently.
There isn't enough tiiiime.

I'm gonna be moving out in 4 weeks, and then I have to get two jobs and manage a house.
No time for animation anymore.

Also I hate the plot : \

OK here's the deal, I changed the script that I was originally going for into a little something like this:
Gay guy: Cock Cock Cock
Redhead: Pussy Pussy
Gay Guy: Cock Cock COCK!!!!
I'm still working on it, but that's all I managed to come up with, you're gonna love it. <3

I took the liberty of squeezing in the gay accent, I knew you wouldn't mind ^__^

that's um..

: \

I clicked the link and checked out your Genocide vid. Just like you stated in your notes, its raw. A side from that I really like it. Your FbF animation looked really nice and well done. I really liked the title screen after the preloader, that really caught my eye in a good way. In high school I took every art class my school offered. One of my art teachers once told me that most people have a hard time drawling hands and feet. I even remember you saying that you have a dificult time on them as well. But every hand in your flash looked well done.

Off of the subject of your flash. I saw that you said that you were moving out and you were going to have to get 2 jobs to sustain your self and you would no longer have time to devote to your projects. I am not sure what all you have going on atm, but it does sound like alot. Things may be crazy atm for you but do not give up on your art / flash projects. You may not have a lot of time for them now, sooner or later you will have some free time on your hands to work on your art. If you are like me in the fact that my art ( as crappy as it is ) is an relaxing activity, and releaves stress and makes me feel good about myself. And even if you only get to work on your stuff for 20 min at a time, at least you are making progress. I am sure other artist will be willing to lend you a hand. I know that every artist has their own style and animation may not look the same. However, there are always other things that need to be done that others may help you with, like backgrounds for diferent scenes for instance. Wow, I sure have rambled on a lot.

No whining here, I despise whiners.

Dude, this is the best response Ive ever gotten on a newspost o _o
You make so much sense dude.
Keep it real ^_^

Didn't know about the cancellation. Sorry for making you repeat yourself for the hundredth time. :P

So do you plan on restarting this project once you manage to get spare time? Or will you just move onto other things?

Cause it sounds to me like you put a lot of thought into this and still have vested interest...

It'll probably come out as a mini series, or a chibi series. Maybe a handdrawn comic.

But Id rather get on to other animations, like Dark Angel, which have been brooding in the back of my mind forevverrr
then get some other concepts out, like
The gates of destiny; Sermuer chronicles.

As an Empress to be, exiled from her homeland, she takes it upon herself to become the most powerful warrior she can be to retake her prospective throne, all the while battling a terrifying spectre that seems to follow her wherever she goes.

What makes it funnier is that I wasn't even joking :D

Actually, Mo4form what makes it funny is the fact that everyone thinks that you are a big dumb ass. Congratulations, you are now a idiot in the eyes of the entire NewGrounds community! You should receive your official NewGrounds IDIOT certificate in the mail in four to six weeks. Make sure you frame it and show it off to all the friends we all know you don't have. Good day.

I dunno if the whole newgrounds community knows yet.
But I'm sure we do.

Notice how everytime you brought the word "idiot" up your text kept getting stupider.. XD
It's bitchy hentai fags like you who make Newgrounds worthwhile, ya know?
if u dn liek it y commt? it duznt maik ani sence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its people who make lame comments about stealing other people's work then making dick and pussy jokes which makes Newgrounds a shithole.

You are now banned from my userpage.

"a idiot" .... XD

God, what a fucking faggot.

agh. you really had something here. i really like the story. wish we had more though... guess none of us can blame you for stopping though, how many times did you restart again? your style has changed a bit to it seems. anyway i like the animation although i think you can do better now. idk why but i like the animation of the two hands grabbing each other. i thought it looked good. one reason i wish this series kept going is cause i really would have liked to see a flash series with an in depth story, well anyways great job gkg

Thanks man.

Dark Angel will answer your prayers. Its more of my taste anyway.
The storyline is fucking SICK (in the good way)
Involving the daughter of the devil taking over heaven, then bringing apocalypse to the planet unless our main hero, Gregory, and his guardian, Rogue, can finally speak the truth to the rest of humanity through the new Bible.
If the humans continue reading what the Devil's Daughter wrote, then they are subject to the reality she wishes to instill on them, and is given more control over what happens to their world.

(fucked up, yes)

'-' okay

that is my blank stare

Supplement your blank stare with something useful to say.

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